
“Fun Engineer” ?

The FTC has already ruled this illegal. If either party violates a contract the other party may cancel the contract or take the measures outlines within the contract. No such third option exists from a legal standpoint. TMobiles current deprioritizing of 20+ gigs per month user traffic is already very questionable

The article is a little misinformed. TMobile already takes action against customers who use high data amounts by deprioritizing traffic once gross data usage gets into the 20+ gigs per month range. It technically isn’t throttling so it is legal but it can drop speed to zero.

If your knives are “just as sharp as when you bought them” you suck at sharpening. I’ve bought ONE knife in my lifetime that I felt was adequately sharp from the factory.

Is there some sort of an issue with carabiners and/or hooks that I am unaware of?

That’s because your body likes the vascular constriction for blood pressure regulation when horizontal. It’s probably a very minor thing but worth mentioning to your doctor. It can also be caused by repeated dehydration and then enforced by habit.

I once had to drive for a business trip RIGHT after work. In was taking my old 855 Turbo beater but knew it badly needed an oil change. I decided to swing by Jiffylube to save some time. They took one look under the car and said it leaked too much of everything for them to work on it. I told them I was aware of every

The ONLY mechanic I’ve ever argued with is a friend. I do the vast majority of even major work but sometimes I’m busy or I want to throw my buddy a bone. It’s easier for him as he has a full shop. THAT guy I’ve argued with. When both of our heads are together under the hood and he has just had 3 customers in the past

Sean Connery or GTFO

I’d add a pack on non-menthol cigarettes. Smoking is a worldwide habit and highly prevalent in many places. Offering a smoke can be a great icebreaker.

Ingress and Egress. I don’t understand why the higher-ups simply refuse to acknowledge that getting in and out of a vehicle while wearing all that shit is difficult and dangerous. I once had my thigh trapped in our Hmmwv by the 700 lb lvl 3 up armored door. Add to that the 100 lbs of gear on me and I was in one

Really? Do you expect them to be unusually critical or?

Old stand up comic trick. Have someone in then audience you know. Now picture everyone in the audience as that person and say what you’re there to say to that person. If you concentrate on everyone being strangers of one level or another it is way more difficult.

This will depend entirely on location.

You’re obviously not paying attention

Makes sense for motors, transmission s, and chassis, but what about ancillaries that are replaced?

In my experience, introducing your partner to bdsm is best accomplished through action. Obviously, you want to start as simple and mild as possible. This will often times open a door for them and they will express their desire to go further (assuming they enjoying of course). Versus verbalizing it ahead of time and

Finally, a kit car worth buying and building

One quick addition to that long reply. I manage small teams. High workload and a friendly environment are important. If I hire someone and it’s simply not flowing smoothly the entire task suffers and everyone’s workflow decreases.