To be fair, moving into an area belonging to people of color and thinking you have a devine right to do what you want is pretty pioneering.
To be fair, moving into an area belonging to people of color and thinking you have a devine right to do what you want is pretty pioneering.
When I was in the army my black friends bestowed on me honorary status, said I was always invited to the cook out, and would say things like “bosephus, get your black ass over here”.
Is it a rule that all racist assholes also have to be virtually illiterate? C’mon lady, “cow down”? Were you reaching for “kowtow”, maybe? Or “bow down”, perhaps? It’s not like you just mispronounced something in the heat of conversation - your racist fucking fingers deliberately typed out those letters. Maybe take a…
Discovering whether the Hunt County DA is going to go to bat for the office intern against the sheriff of a city in the same County might be a learning experience for the aspiring prosecutor, Pageant Queen.
Yep, getting bailed out during the recession & cashing in afterward wasn’t much.
You have to balance your compassion between the single mothers with three part-time jobs who can’t afford to feed their kids, and the billionaire heir with three yachts who can’t afford a private plane.
Exactly. The “pro life” aka anti-abortion position held by a majority of conservatives has nothing to do with actually wanting to protect life. It’s solely about punishing poor people for having sex for non-procreative purposes. (I say poor people because even when abortion was illegal, it was perfectly accessible to…
We could tax, I don’t know, corporations, and then we could all pay less in taxes, but that’s just crazy talk. Corporations are people too.
It seems like I post something similar daily, but it helps me to not scream at clouds, so please give me these five seconds of peace.
Fitting, since Trump is a fucking caricature like an old Tammany Hall era drawing of a pig on two legs. With a diaper-load looking cheap suit and mile long tie instead of a dapper three piece with a pocketwach chain and top hat. Monocle or pince nez optional.
Alright, ardent “pro-lifers” where are your signs and your bullhorns? Where will you be marching up and down and shouting about precious babies that need protection?
I’m a college student and I voted for Bernie because he was the only one that seemed to give a shit about people and he probably would have had a better shot at beating Cheeto head had the dems not sabotaged him.
“Boswell then approached the second maid and grabbed her shoulder, but she ordered him to sit down.”
This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the…
First time caught, anyways. I would be surprised if he’s never done this before. (I do realize that the court needs to work with actual evidence, not just hunches that an older man who touches a housekeepers butt is probably not doing it for the first time).
“Hate has no place in America.”
Yet somehow necessary.
In before the debate even gets started.
Why do women continuously buy into this toxic bs? According to Tamera, I wouldn’t have a good partner right now but I do. I went against the grain, so to speak. I have two suggestions. 1. Stop buying into this misogynist view that represses women’s sexuality and 2. Stop associating with men that perpetuate this…
Seems to me the Furgeson police department is equally armed and much closer to the problem as far as people to look at are concerned.