
Just slooooowly turning this into a racial-purity discussion...

to be fair, he looks very boring too, facewise.

A former friend of mine was a devout Catholic. She was hellbent on being a virgin on her wedding night so much so she refused gyno exams.

I know a guy that waited until marriage. When I asked him a year later how the sex was he responded “Oh ya know. Married life. Barely do it that much.”

Sex is undoubtedly one of the top three or four most important things for most healthy relationships.

I’ve known exactly two people in my life who did not fuck their spouses before they got married (both were actual virgins). Both were divorced within a few years because of sexual incompatibility.

I think this law will, like many laws, be selectively applied. An injury that the authorities do not consider severe enough to prosecute if it is inflicted on a woman by a man will likely be considered plenty severe enough to prosecute if it is inflicted on a man by a woman.

The Indian women with the big sticks and the pink saris need to be our template. They beat the shit out of abusers and rapists. It need to be a worldwide phenomenon.

Just remember that people who are abusers are often manipulators. He manipulated you and all of those around him in to excusing his behavior. This is why we need compulsory sex Ed that covers consent and heathy relationships in schools.

Just gonna throw this out there because it’s very heavy on my mind.

Yea, and now people who are undocumented and don’t live in a sanctuary community are not going to feel safe calling the police if they need help.

Libya under Gadaffi had universal healthcare, free public higher education, and opportunities for women that were unmatched in much of the rest of the Arab world.

Yeah, and giving a false number means she paid into Social Security without ever being able to get the money back. So she was giving EXTRA money to the government. That was her crime.

And here’s where she tells the truth:

Breitbart does whole stories on how the Southern Poverty Law Center has misjudged and misnamed clearly white supremacist organizations as Hate Groups.

These True Bernie Believers are so far up Bernie’s ass, they cannot admit that anything he did was wrong. I have never heard any of them accept their god has any flaws or weaknesses.

At what point when white people had their “own” countries were they content to stay there and leave the rest of us the hell alone?

Breitbart, the site that boosted a white nationalist candidate and features a section dedicated to “Black Crime,” is substantively different how, exactly? There isn’t much daylight between Sean Hannity/Ron Paul-types and David Duke; Ron Paul’s newsletter regularly called black people “animals,” suggested that 95% of

What a strange and wholly unconnected set of events!

No, I was actually right here, paying attention to the news.