We should not give the benefit of the doubt to either. PLEASE.
This happened at a McDs in a rich white part of ABQ. I used to go there when we’d wrestle the rich kids at ABQ Aademy, with Wide Land that the school owned right across the street. And, you’re right, all she asked for was medical.
I don’t know what your daily wage is, but I’m closer to that than food stamps.
Steve doesn’t eat salad.
NOT true. Stale horse turds have a purpose, like...
Why is NOBODY bringing up the obvious...?!?!
“Which is why other countries have consistently had no trouble beating team USA in previous tournaments.”
“ I expect he’ll be on his best behavior for about a month this season.”
AFC East has better out-of-division record than any division in...
I don’t think you understand the multiple definitions of “strawman.”
Bianca, shaking hands at the net: I’m sorry.
Strawman argument. Per your original post, they would Feast in every division.
That would be Rex, not Bob.
Pats have easiest strength of schedule this year... They Will Feast.
The Gordon-Brown tandem *could* be such a huge menace...
*Darth Hoodie clicks fingernails*
Sounds like someone I know.
+1 nice rack
“Keep it simple!"