1677 words, TYVM.
1677 words, TYVM.
Hah, are you wrong. Drive a Miata. And hear all the chick car jokes? Or a Fiat 500, and have people sneer that you are in a tiny cute car, not one appropriate for you? And have you not heard motorcyclist called organ donors, on a crotch rocket, and yet you say nobody calls out motorcycles? And all those non-tree…
If a truck buyer honestly defends their purchase, I think most of us would move on with life. The problem is the truck buyers who are defending their God-given right to do whatever they want with no regard for the society they exist within and impact. This is not about trucks; it is about selfishness.
But will it baby?
Nothing gets by you!
This will decimate all... especially if combined with FreeValve. If we have to, overnight parts from Sweden.
probably why the author noted that it might be the exception
Shortened to Covfefe.
“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”
Not considered: David Tracey’s Jeep. Right now its averaging about $9k every 20 miles.
Even the skinniest of pedestrians get trapped beneath it....
How much did David Tracy give you for it?
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders
“You cant play chess with a pidgeon.
And to think, you could’ve had one of them all along for the cost of a V6 Mustang....
Hey Raph how difficult is it to use when the car is on four wheels instead of on its doors like you are used to?
Faith Michael. Faith. Have it and it will be so.