It’s only “accepted” amongst TNR cultists who won’t look at any evidence but the lack of evidence that they imagine to exist but does not.
It’s only “accepted” amongst TNR cultists who won’t look at any evidence but the lack of evidence that they imagine to exist but does not.
Your cat still killed that bird from puncture wounds and the resulting infections — it dying slowly and painfully and all its offspring starving to death from it no longer returning to feed its young. You might as well have just torn-off that bird’s head by yourself and smashed its nest of crying-for-food infant birds…
And the humans who kill more billions of animals than any other (including those they pay to have killed for them for their cans and bags of “cat-food”), are cat-lickers are useless cat-lickers just like you.
While it is true that overpopulation of humans is the #1 problem that we and all other species face today (humans are a classified as a “weedy species”, but they ARE NOT an “invasive species”, please educate your sorry-aššed bible-home-schooled selves); this still doesn’t excuse all the responsible, wise, and…
There already are laws on the books in every state of the USA and every other country. Take just this one example of many more from every state, from every nation. Even Alley-Cat-ALL-LIES tried to get this person convicted of a crime. That’s just how stupid and ignorant of property and animal laws even their own…
It sounds more like he’s someone who doesn’t want your useless ilk knocking on his door wondering what happened to your vermin cats. Most law-enforcement agencies even advise people use the SSS & TDSS cat management programs today (Shoot, Shovel, & Shut-Up; and Trap, Drown, Shovel & Shut-Up) so morons just like you…
You need to have your pseudo vet license and proved-fake biologist degrees investigated and pulled from you posthaste. Whether, feral, stray, or pet ALL house-cats are invasive-species vermin that are destroying native wildlife on every continent. They have absolutely NO native habitat anywhere on earth — due to this…
Due to all the heinous and deadly diseases that cats carry and spread today, it would be wrong to advise they be used for furs, or food, or anything in this day and age (even in jest). The risk to anyone dressing them for even the use of their furs today (as they were commonly used in the past) could be deadly to the…
It is mandatory by law in nearly every, if not every, state of the USA to shoot any dog on sight that is seen harassing wildlife. This is why feral dog-packs are a rarity in most areas. They are SHOT before things get that bad. I keep a paintball-gun loaded with red-pellets for any stray dogs. Stings enough to teach a…
An excerpt from a much lengthier post I sometimes share on the various methods I invented or found to completely eradicate every last one of hundreds of vermin cats in my area. You might find it interesting....
If you truly want to stop the inhumane suffering of thousands of animals, then you must begin with destroying any one free-roaming cat — no matter how you have to accomplish that. That’s the TRUE suffering-animal equation. Destroy any ONE invasive species cat = save countless THOUSANDS of admirable and innocent…
Among all the other 3dozen+ deadly diseases that cats spread to all humans and other animals today, it has been confirmed that cats even spread several forms of bird-diseases, including the bird-flu. So if you were trying to be funny, you weren’t, you were asking a valid question.
She did NOT destroy someone else’s property. NOBODY owned that cat (read my other post on this). And even if the cat was owned by someone, she had every legal right in the world to destroy it under all “depredation control” laws. The most that any cat-owner can claim for damages of their now-dead-cat is the cost of…
Killing ANY stray cat, owned or not, is legal under all “depredation control” laws. Read the full list of laws in TX and you’ll find that Ms. Lindsey was perfectly within her legal rights to destroy that disease-infested vermin cat.
The reason that no owner of that cat has ever came forward is because IT HAS NO OWNER. The owners of the property live in Arizona, and when interviewed claim they’ve never owned ANY cats. Amy Hemsell, the property caretaker was reported by neighbors (who saw up to 3 of the identically marked cats in the area) claim…
The 100% effective and PERMANENT SOLUTION. Guaranteed. Tested and approved.
You will find that it is 100% ineffective to try to discuss this with any cat-advocate. Do what I did after 15 years of trying to reason-with and educate the ineducable (at the loss of THOUSANDS of native animals that their vermin…
OK I’ll bite, if...
I grew up on a ranch in Montana. We kept “barn cats” to take care of the rodent problem. The cats would get out of control so you had to cull the cat pack to get their number down or they would really create havoc. It also helped with cat inbreeding and increased your accuracy stats.
But for the person whose yard it is traipsing through there is no distinguishing difference. What does it matter where the cat was born and where it stops in occasionally as a home? If it is hunting and lurking out in your yard, it doesn’t matter where it was born. For all practical purposes it is the same as a stray.
Nice double standards there. Decrying the killing of a cat but condoning the killing of a human.