Popular opinion: Burritos are awesome, Chipotle sucks
Popular opinion: Burritos are awesome, Chipotle sucks
Tammy II: Electric Boogaloo?
Not to mention having a close relationship with a teacher gives him a reason to hang around schools... :/
No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.
is this the most canadian thing that has ever happened
Good thing you’re here .... to reMIIIIIND them...
More like the “whine” train, amirite?!
Dear fellow readers of Kitchenette:
So you don’t like “angry black women” but then you don't like laughing black women, so should we just go die then? Like, what else can we do for you to make you comfortable with our existence?
“My husband and I are vegan. My daughter is vegetarian and both of them are allergic to gluten, lactose, shellfish, soya, onions, peppers and GM foods.” I’m assuming the kids survive on eating air, then. Assuming it’s not red air, cause they’d probably be allergic to that too.
11 women?? Like basically whole train car? WTF???
They meant to board the wine train but found themselves on the whine train.
Well so much for the Wine Train. Going to be in Napa next month and thought it sounded nice but nope - fuck them. Maybe the hot air balloon ride people aren’t racist dickheads.
To be fair, in parts of the south, they would have been ejected off the train for just reading.
If I think about all the time we spend IMing and calling and skyping, he couldn’t possibly also be married, right?
No offense to you meant in any way but the virginity thing just squicks me out. I don’t get it. So you’re someone’s first? You’ll likely not be the last and very likely not the best or the most meaningful.
Okay, so remember the guy who dumped me at his family reunion? About five months later, I stopped by for the ol’ picking-up-the-crap-you-left-at-your-ex’s-place-but-want-back visit. Now, he’d bought a house earlier that year, and while it was perfectly nice, he was doing a complete renovation. When we were together,…
So I have an ex that mimicked my ENTIRE relationship. Literally the list goes on down to getting pregnant and I know it seems self centered to think he got her pregnant because of me but hear me out on this.
The day I got into a relationship he yelled at me for hours over text saying how I never really loved him and…