Leigh Anne’s website https://www.leighannetuohy.com/the-tuohy-family-2/ repeatedly refers to Oher as having been adopted.
Leigh Anne’s website https://www.leighannetuohy.com/the-tuohy-family-2/ repeatedly refers to Oher as having been adopted.
Is this the same Emily Yoffe who wrote Dear Prudence for Slate for years?
My fat @$$ just choked on a chocolate chip cookie. God apparently wants fatsos dead.
Where is his photograph, emphasizing what an animal and thug he is?
And in addition to paying no federal taxes, these same corporations work hard to pay their workers as little as possible.
I read the same thing about Ghandi, except he didn't always sleep.
John Singleton is what happens when black men and women are given a chance to shine. Some have the talent and take advantage of the opportunity and they shine on us, and we’re all better for it.
Look at Joe pull a tRump move. Biden’s lack of awareness and accountability will cause his campaign to implode within weeks. Thank goodness.
The one good thing I can say about Biden’s announcement is that it was the catalyst I needed to finally donate to both Warren and Harris, neither of whom is getting adequate airtime on the Sunday morning shows, and either of whom has more appeal to me than any of the other candidates.
Joe reeks of “my time is NOW” and the stench of old, entrenched, white male entitlement is headache inducing.
Biden sure as hell will come courtin’ Kamala in order to secure the Black and woman vote. But Kamala should be smart enough to know that she belongs on the top of the ticket.
Nope, Biden-Harris is not an appealing ticket. On the other hand, Harris-Warren/Warren-Harris is appealing as hell.
Bill Clinton, W, Obama, Trump... The last 4 Presidents show that a growing need for a populist approach, often at the expense of political experience or competence. It’s why Gore, Kerry, McCain, (Romney is an exception) and HRC lost.
End result: They changed the name because there was the opportunity to make more money.
How I wish this splat of sentient shit would get flushed already.
New Mexican residents only wish they had this situation.
There’s a hilarious youtube reenactment of a time Julian Assange allegedly unexpectedly showed up as the house guest from hell. No shit, but it has a hooker and hella privilege.