The current occupant of the WH has lowered the bar such that Oprah is far over qualified for the presidency.
The current occupant of the WH has lowered the bar such that Oprah is far over qualified for the presidency.
My heart goes out to you and everyone here who has had a fur baby take that trip over the Rainbow Bridge. Gus was such a handsome and photogenic lad.
That was so kind of the hospital. That’s a lovely momento.
I had some time to kill while waiting to pick my dog up after a procedure and saw “Game Night” immediately after watching “Black Panther.”
If there’s anything the #MeToo movement has told us it’s that even adult women have difficulty clearly and directly saying no for a multitude of reasons. That the kids are expected to have this skill when grown women often don’t is absurd
Yes, you absolutely have to know who cleaned them.
Those weren’t the issues you presented, nor were they problems with either of the two dogs I’ve had. But I would prefer a dog shitting on the floor when not given attention to the behavior of gym rats when their unwanted attention is ignored. YMMV.
I’ve cleaned litter boxes and now pick up dog poop. Picking up the dog poop is by far less gross. Dog walking, if the dog is housebroken, is also a controlled elimination process.
Funny thing, that’s one of the reasons I have dog.
Dog owner here who absolutely supports what everything you said.
My co-worker and his daughter danced to this ditty at her wedding. It’s titled, “I loved her first.”
<blockquote>Had a “yikes!” moment reading this article. I never thought about the fact that since I am glow in the dark white, any and all bruises makes me look like an abuse victim. If I were black, you might not even notice them, or at least they wouldn’t look as severe. Invisible privilege pops up…
I follow you and can name that tune as”The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”
Yeah, Richard reportedly outed himself without reservation while simultaneously telling the racist gay community to kiss him where the sun don’t shine according to this article.
I had the pleasure of meeting Dennis in an elevator in Reno sometime in the 90's. I had just checked into the Atlantis and was rushing to my room. In my haste I almost bumped into this sweaty wall of a man wearing a colorful sequined suit.
NYPD was committed to doubling down on the the idea that lesbians in Park Slope, specifically lesbians of color in Park Slope, were lying about rape and murder during this time.
Hey, Jennifer. We’re out here. Hang on, get low. Even if it’s a bumpy ride you can’t fall off the floor.