
Change "adult men" to "bullies of every sort" and you're right on target. I've been dealing with harassment from a co-worker for more than two years. When I involved HR, who investigated and formally reprimanded her, she felt victimized by me because there was no need "to get bureacratic about this." Bullies be

A "Say Something Hat Day" requires so much less energy and willpower yet still impresses ;)

Now playing

This is what happens when you ask "The Aristocrats" for sex tips.

@ racharoni

Neighbors did notice and did make reports. No one in authority believed the reports and they were ignored. Among those telling others that there was a tiger were senior citizens who resided across the street and saw the animal. Workers at the senior center attributed the tiger reports to dementia. I belive the

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"Vulvas: They're boxy and sooooo good they don't need this 'froohoo' wash."

Exhaustion is a helluva drug. What? Wait, that's not right.


@ alexandra.treat

That's the thing, for me these three are worth the trip to the movies for the big screen experience.

The thing about cosmetic surgery these days is no one looks younger and none of it is discreet. The Joker mouths, the sharply angled eyes, the flat planes where cheeks used to be. It seems the entire point of getting work done is to show others that one can afford to have work done.

Ditto, except in my case it's my roommate who periodically will ask me for recommendations for her queue.

I now understand Michelle Duggar's decision to be at 19 and counting so much better.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I resemble that remark.

Could be worse. He could go the other way and repeatedly thank his lord and savior.

Scooch over and make room for me. It didn't seem so bad to me, either and I don't have a NyQuil hangover nor does anyone on screen other than the nurse with her foot in her mouth resemble me—'cause I ain't stinking rich.

@ yamish

A VisforVanity