
I assumed the Resistance was more of a covert ops network working mostly autonomously with an unspoken endorsement from certain factions within the New Republic. Its funding was off the books and it wasn't supposed to even exist, so it had a few highly trained squadrons of top-of-the-line X-Wings, and not much else.

Jaime could just sing some Hamilton to Bronn. "They're asking me to lead, I'm doing the best I can, to get the people that I need, I'm asking you to be my Right Hand Man. I know it's a lot to ask, but a Lannister al—" "DON'T YOU FOOKING SAY IT"

Yea, I thought the film was great, easily in my Marvel Top 5, but I definitely feel like I've been robbed of a proper Captain America movie.

Granted, that just is about preserving the characterization of Peter Parker as Marvel had written him. Sony was never precluded from telling a story about anyone else who's donned the underoos over the years.

Seriously! How can they get that so wrong? Hell, the inciting incident was the comic book version of a dirty bomb going off in the suburbs. It wasn't about guns at all, it was about capital -T Terror. Tony was speaking the language of Neoconservatism. The Superhero Registration Act was the PATRIOT Act for people with

Hiiiii Siidecaaaaar….. (music intensifies)

Maybe Mr. Poopybutthole actually *isn't* real, and he incepted the entire scene from when Beth shoots him to his recovery and eventual forgiveness of the family, because he's the King Parasite and can incept complex emotions into his hosts!

Oh man best Family Guy episode ever!

I think it's really great that Frank employs a Wildling as a bodyguard. Just goes to show that he understands that people are people, no matter what side of the wall you're born on. That's a man that knows something.

The girl Ani saved couldn't even stand, and Ani couldn't walk straight or stay alert, despite her best efforts. That's not "pure molly." Much more likely that the room of powerful men want something in between a bunch of unconscious women and a "Client 9" situation, so the handlers give the escorts a spritz of the

I like the rest of what you said, but yikes…. that Smooth Criminal bit is uncomfortable.

Better yet, just air a montage of Puerto Rican babies set to the music of Tito Puente.

That makes a lot more sense. Why take those creepy Russian handlers at their word?

Pizzolatto has a very heavy thematic hand, and the gang got a great piece of evidence through an unlawful search and seizure…… If at any point in the last two episodes, a character refers to information gleaned from that contract as "fruit of the poisoned tree," I'm going to lose my goddamn mind.

Barring that, maybe a project with Anne Hafaways, or Sandra Bullockses. Maybe both? Bullockses and Hafaways! Hafaways and Bullockses!

Maybe take it fishing out on Lake Tahoe, let it cast a line, say a Hail Mary…..

If he's coming to the Prequels after having watched The Clone Wars, then I get where he's coming from. Plus I mean, Episode I spawned one of my favorite PC racing games as a kid, Episode One Racer, so it wasn't *all* bad.

When Sansa was in the tombs, in front of Lyanna, I was thinking, "Are they finally gonna start hinting at it? Not word about R+L in forever….." And then YES! So good. Pumped to see that.
As far as R+L=J being a theory…. I always thought Barristan Selmy 99% confirmed R+L=J in

Bim Bebow….. Lim Lebow….. Zim Zebow…. Yim Yebow…..
Sheeeeeeeeeeiiit. Checks out.

Great list, EXCEPT number 8.
I don't mean to say that prequel characters should never interact with OT characters. But if JJ were to retcon Ben Quadrinaros, Jar Jar, and Watto into fevered hallucinations of a dehydrated Qui Gon Jinn in the throes of a double-sunstroke, I certainly wouldn't complain.