You missed the “Re: Tropicanna Field”. Please have a sense of humor before coming into the comments section of deadspin.
You missed the “Re: Tropicanna Field”. Please have a sense of humor before coming into the comments section of deadspin.
You missed the “Re: Tropicanna Field”. Please have a sense of humor before coming into the comments section of deadspin.
You missed the “Re: Tropicanna Field”. Please have a sense of humor before coming into the comments section of deadspin.
You missed the “Re: Tropicanna Field”. Please have a sense of humor before coming into the comments section of deadspin.
you didn’t get the joke. Overly aggressive criticism.
What exactly do you do if you find a sewer rat? Go away and hope you scared it back into the plumbing? Do people have like, specific weapons, tools, or solutions for this epidemic?
you sure?
I have no intention of potentially injecting my dick with stem cells, and I’ve gotten out a ruler.
and try to kill them out of fear
back when they really took the high ground and posted Brett Favre’s weiner and Hulk Hogan raw doggin his best friends wife.
that would explain his uncompromising stance on pigeon tossing.
they lost together, and they can bond over their hate for the all star.
MN has a few starters they developed as UDFA’s (Thielen & Ant Harris)- smart move to stay with a coaching staff proven to develop prospects, as opposed to the fucking Jets.
If only he wasn’t assassinated by a guy influenced by white nationalism, he would totally have supported the white nationalist party today.
You sure Owen Heart landed in the ring?
They are not doing this for free, this is the game for access.
tax evasion and this type of corruption will result in paying back taxes and community service.
I imagine it being like:
if you are OBJ, do you wanna hear the negotiation is happening through tweet rumors, your agent, or OBsr.?
same reason everyone else is in the AAF is there- to use this as a stepping stone into the NFL