No lie this is literally what we did in Maryland today. The offices next door came running over when we exploded into cheers and thought the Malaysian plane passengers were found alive. Rivals or not... we HATE fucking Duke.
No lie this is literally what we did in Maryland today. The offices next door came running over when we exploded into cheers and thought the Malaysian plane passengers were found alive. Rivals or not... we HATE fucking Duke.
Well my name is NativeInstrument for a reason. I use NI tablet sofware but nothing beats Maschine as a Midi controller.
Exactly. And damn near every character has been doing obviously dumb and risky things for years now.
Thanks. I was on the fence about getting the comics but now I'm sure I will. They are fucking up this show beyond recognition and that is clear to many of us who have not read the comics.
Shocking results but this show has succumbed to AMC not wanting to spend money on locations and it's C plus show at best now. I'm actually surprised that they let Telltales game advertise during the show because all what was great about TWD is in that game not the show. There are NO lulls in the game or a real Zombie…
Well clearly you don't like ass because in her case it's not the size.
Yeah she's an idiot for that. Proves something important though. Good looking does not equal sexy. She's not a sexy woman and she can't buy that.
It's not JUST the ass it's the woman attached to it and how she carries it. Doesn't have to be a specific size or shape. All sizes and shapes can be hot and add to a womans attractiveness.
I'm inclined to agree with the implants. That ass is too perfect
Maybe your kids sound like violent sociopaths but the one I hear don't. What show specifically that you have seen lends itself to the violence Adam wrote? I've seen a lot of childrens tv. I'm beyond curious as just what kind of tv the "kids" you're interacting with.
There is another issue Nancys legions of defender are missing. She was a Doomsday prepper. So she has a child with psychological problems identified not only early in life but that he solidified in writing and behaviors in school. Add to that a woman who actively is training to be a survivalist when Obama destroys the…
Obvious as fuck isn't' it?
Do you think giving him the money for this gun for Xmas was appropriate?
Uh..I'm not sure many of you know who this woman really was. Gawker posted this blurb.
I'd say his mother has also gotten away with murder. This story does not isolate the incident but Adam actually wrote a "book" about "Granny" who killed people with a gun in her cane. It was an uber violent written example of how fucking nuts this kid was at an early age and his mother responded by home schooling him…
Actually no.
Hella fake. Obvious. So just what the fuck WERE they promoting? A talent agency? Seemed like a lot of effort for nothing at all.
I never buy their merch but what I hate most of all is that some of their models are purely beautiful. Like the everyday women I see many times in real life. It's just amazing how corporations and Madison ave can find THE worst thing to do with such such beauty every single time.
What about flying into the back of the car if it stops suddenly?
Right. Even the videos of people dying don't do much. Now if you film ER doctors telling people they have permanent nerve damage or need a limb amputated or telling parents their child is brain dead THAT might get through to the "cmon it's fun" crew.