Right. I mean no wonder the Dolphins have been shitty so long. When did they ever have time for game prep?
Right. I mean no wonder the Dolphins have been shitty so long. When did they ever have time for game prep?
Yes he is. He was handed a subpoena after a game last year. He may have been transporting guns from Florida to New England for Aaron and I think he was present when Hernandez shot that guy in the face. You can only assume his twin brother is at least as much of a prick.
He's not going anywhere. Your fear is actually based on what you've been seeing in the U.S. if you really think about it. You also have some blood lust issues buddy. Torturing on the part of the state only produces more of these assholes.
Right and I mean gosh...just look at how wonderful and safe Americans are.
And despite this assholes demands I still think they are doing the right thing overall in their prison system. We all want to crush his skull but think about it. That makes US him. I personally would restrict this particular persons 'fun" completely though. He has frankly lost the chance to live among us in any…
Yikes! Look at you.
"I wanted people to know without me ever uttering a word how childish and immature I am" - Sexy Ranea Crabtree
" I'm ready to move on with my life and career. I've been dragged through the mud for months by my "best friend". #betrayed #railroaded"
Seriously. I good tent and highly rated sleeping bag has got to be heaven compared to their accommodations.
The "fan"/Asshole can be seen saying something like "Sorry about that" just before he gets shoved. Exactly what you expect when a pussy just realized that the guy who can mop the floor with his punk ass actually heard the slur you said.
What ultimate happens though is that most of the big East Coast market viewers go to bed. The people who actually do the Sports tv and radio shows monday frequently dont see the end of the game. NO sports should on at 11:30 pm on fucking Sunday.
So a bunch of racists still don't understand yet another Seahawks victory.
Every non confirmed anecdote about Marshawn sounds like it's coming from the kid in high school whose starting position he just took. "He sucks I tell ya!"
Amen. I love breasts of all sizes...depends on the woman. Fake tits are the biggest turnoff ever.
Actually I have met many people accused, arraigned and convicted of guilt and innocence. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but for me I see and hear a woman still litigating her trial just like OJ and Zimmerman to give examples. Despite their not guilty verdicts they are still testifying. Sure it's not easy to…
There were 2 Black men involved. One is serving time. The other had nothing to do with it. No one forced Amanda to finger the guy they had to release. She's also acting guilty as hell since the second verdict. Innocent people say "God damnit I did NOT do THIS" Amanda is on tv saying "I can't believe it....it's not…
That's exactly it. She did what countless white women have done in the U.S. She fingered the first Black man she could. NOT the actions of an innocent person by any stretch of the imagination.
Slow cautious clap...