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I rowed for 10 years including racing trials and cannot understand how Rio was allowed to use a bay for the race. The US junior team went there for worlds in 2015, a dry run for the olympics, and 13 of the 40 athletes got sick from being splashed by water.


Tap the wheel with your foot to steer more responsive

It was outside at a campfire and the bottle was accidentally picked up by a helpful individual thinking that a bottle of juice was left in one of the gators. As for the second point, ever start drinking a cup of milk and halfway through realize that something isn’t right and its gone sour? You expect the liquid to be

I went to a camp for type one diabetics in rural north Texas. They would have cups of juicy juice for when a camper’s blood sugar gets low. They also had dyed farm diesel. Some of the maintenance staff thought it’d be a good idea to store some diesel in an old fruit punch juice bottle, bottle got poured when my friend

I actually left Philly a couple years ago and started Physical Therapy school in El Paso , where theres only one river and they don’t like people having boats on it, this year. I never really got burned out but after rowing for 10 years I cannot convince myself to train without having the accountability of a team my

Oregon State for four years then Vesper for a while you? I would actually prefer a 2k test to our weekly 3x20 at a 22 with 3 min rest. My heart rate is still above 180 at the end of it and it is so boring and tedious. The 3x20 got down to a 1:41.1 average overall and at a 22 this is much worse than a short 2k!

I am a former D1 Collegiate rower competed in senior/elite races for two years after graduation. I am another big dude (6'6" 210 lbs). Its long but this is important to ensure your back doesn't hate you after rowing.

Former Elete and D1 Rower here a couple of thoughts:

“Full of shitty drivers on a really good day.”

This may not be as bad as some conditions wise, but it was my first real experience driving in snow and terrifying to me. I am from Texas but went to Oregon State University. Corvallis doesn’t get much snow and is tiny so I would just walk instead of driving whenever it did snow. After I graduated I took an internship

They're pretty common in the Southeast

Fuck you

How is $152 million still owed on a 20+ year old stadium? Extensive remodeling?

Worse is the guy on your right in a shallow parking lot blinding you with their hi-beams thankfully he had enough light to park but a truck with hi beams appearing to be driving the wrong way on a state highway late at night is as scary as it is unnecessary.

I know this an ancient post by internet standards and I am in the greys so nobody will ever see this, but I spent the day driving from grad school in El Paso to my hometown, Austin, and need to vent to the internet.

I am 100% convinced that the guys in the first video jinxed it.

xx-xx is a tie

Those don’t look like water bottles to me

Steroids and/or Cancer