
Really disappointed by how these terrorists or rioters are being normalized with language like “protesters” do better please!

Can you fix the headline to be more accurate FFS. These assholes are not protesters and are breaking the law so I suggest criminal gang. Words fucking matter.

Funny how I know a lot of people who did that and were barred from entering again, but Apartheid Jared Kushner doesn’t have any issues.

He’s a libertarian, a sovereign citizen with money

You keep misspelling “The Pokémon Company” as Nintendo FFS

The drone law is to keep the airspace clear for fire fighting aircraft hence the steep penalties. They have a catch phrase and everything: if you fly we cannot.

Why do you get to define morals, I do not like your definition of morals that rely on prejudice 

Ernesto Maranda wasn’t a victim, but was found to have certain rights. Counterpoint the cops could stop being sloppy turds and try not breaking the law to close cases, do you not see the problem here

It’s been fun, goodby

The border cops are the ones you gotta watch out for, trying to tax the import of the boats for a weekend race

Great write up. This may be because it weighs significantly less but I have routinely pulled a 60’ trailer behind a pickup and was told by employers that anything bigger would require a semi and professional license but I could pull that with a class c legally.

Let’s remember some Deadspin:

How much do you wanna bet Mick Mulvaney was up there saying some shit like this to calm him down

Although there hasn’t been a new episode of Wife Swap since 2013

Right now birth control is covered with a $0 copay though

A reasonable person would know how to wear earbuds

Good to know that 1/10 of a mile is equal to 528 iron for future maths

E: A, B, and D

I say this as a gun owner: This is a fucking exclusive republican problem. The CDC is prohibited form researching gun violence because of fucking republicans.

I paid cash for my handgun, gave my drivers liscense and filled out one form before leaving with it, the longest wait was the line to get help. It should be much harder than that