
Because no one wants to remember the aerostar.

$2500 more for a car you’ve already put a deposit on so it can be built in a tent in a parking lot

The comments here are kind of harsh. We were all dumb rich kids once. Who among us hasn’t totaled two exotics worth half a million dollars, fled the scene of the accident, left our passport behind in the wreckage, and had the entire incident captured on two different videos only to have them both uploaded to

I guess will start seeing Kias crashing out of Cars and Coffee now.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Something something ...nothing more expensive than a cheap European car... something something something..

Make that a 74 ROIC (Return On Investment Car)

Some perspective on that 74 IROC Car

Shocking! Tavarish fucks up yet another article! Let’s start with the easy, the cheap black car you posted last year was a 348 not a 355. Yes there is a big price difference. Here’s a nice f355 in the right color for under 50k with a stick: