
This is my Tiger Woods take. And you’re free to shit all over it, but I stand by it.
Tiger’s downfall was getting married. As soon as that engagement was announced, Derek Jeter should have had a goddamn intervention for him.
Tiger was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time and racking up majors at similarly steady

Judging by his drug cocktail, I take “unexpected reaction” to mean “not dead”.

Woods said he had an “unexpected reaction” to prescription medication.

No, the problem is that when you make Force users so overpowered that they are like gods, it tends to make the stories really silly and reduce the ability for non-Force enabled characters to play a role in the story. 

“The team threw a Hail Mary to George, saying the game would have more credibility if the apprentice had a ‘Darth’ title,” a Force Unleashed team member says. Lucas agreed that this situation made sense for Sith royalty, and offered up two Darth titles for the team to choose from. “He threw out ‘Darth Icky’ and

“All Muslims worldwide” vs. “U.S. neo-Nazis” is not a fair comparison. The first includes one fifth of all humans now alive, living all over the world on every inhabited continent, with a very wide range of ideologies and political positions; the second is an extremist fringe group in one country, united by their

Just to remind you who were those people protesting against. Fucking nazis.

There is nothing peaceful in promoting that one race, one religion, one gender, one sexual orientation is superior to another.

Nazi, KKK, ALT-Right and White supremacist are the ISIS of America!

No, they are literally Nazis. Stop calling them anything but what they are: NAZIS.

Plenty of terrible Virginians, but this car has Ohio plates.

Racist protests have been met with counter protests for decades and it’s almost never been peaceful.

The “alt-right” used to be called the KKK, and they were a very violent terrorist group which had no qualms about murdering men, women, and children, just like ISIS.

False Equivalency. The crazy right is a far more serious threat to America.

...unless they’re Muslim.

This is no different than the attacks by extremist Islamists we have seen in Europe. They are literally using the same tactics.

Watch the video again; they were the bowling ball.

For those who are still somehow unconvinced, this is exactly who the alt-right is. They are White ISIS.