
A lot of these issues would be avoided if the relationship between the Department of Defense and Defense Contractors wasn’t so incestuous. You’ve got military leadership lining up favorable appropriations for their buddies at Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon, Boeing, Electric Boat etc, and in return, getting

This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.

Yes, that was my thought as well. These seemed to be well-rehearsed epithets. Sort of like, “You lookin’ at me?”

So a couple things. First, wow, the specificity here. Telling him to get down on all fours because he’s vermin?!?! This is not something that comes to you in the heat of the moment. This is shit you have to ruminate on.

The statute under which the judge ordered her detained is intended for a witness who refuses to answer questions in court - not one who simply didn’t testify as well as the Crown wanted her to. A further detail that’s relevant is Cardinal was described as being “upset and panicked” while she testified; it’s been

It’s disgusting how many cases in Canada involving both First Nations people and women are utter shitshows. Especially in cases relating to sexual assault. It’s a huge problem in our courts. From the show trials (Ghomeshi) to this case, it’s a constant, horrific disappointment.

Libertarianism is like astrology for men.

[witty golf reference that undercuts the fact that we’re watching a guy freefall into opiate addiction]

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

I don’t care how many arguments are made from how many different directions, I will always have contempt for the people who voted this man into the Oval Office. FOR FUCKING SHAME

Thank god Macron won, I don’t think I could have handled watching Marine simpering up at Trump in feminine reverence.

Viva la France 🇫🇷

Maybe because this guy said he wants to die and the other guys had history of white supremacy and fanaticism?

Try Torchlight 2 if you haven’t already.

This thread has far too few hysterical all-caps flashing MISANDRY gifs. Here, I’ll start:

This just makes me so fucking angry and sad. A cop - a shitty, murdering cop - can (presumably) justify to himself in the moment pulling his gun to protect his cowardly life when he thinks his life is in danger after being hopped up on racism and crime statistics. It’s an evil act and a breach of the public’s trust,

If you’re a federal, state, or local employee, you probably enjoy greater protections for political speech than you would if you’re a private employee.

Actually, These are the cream of the crop of mostly Catholic students from all from all over this nation and around the world as well.

“Old Testament Cotton Ball”

Really! These are Midwestern, mostly Catholic students who are taking a stand for the LGBTQ+ community and others in a public forum celebrating their achievements but also a ceremony for their families, who have paid well over $100k for those opportunities. I’m so done with people blaming the youths for all things -