
it’s a good read for anyone interested. You’ll notice a lot of names pop up who play key roles in the current administration. The book was published in 2008

I was in Iraq with the U.S. Army at the height of those assholes running around with zero oversight. We all hated them.

My husband would get up from the sofa while reading Blackwater, and throw it in the freezer. He said it was terrifying.

Wait a second. Stop the presses. Hold your horses. Back it up. Betsy DeVos’ fucking brother is the founder of Blackwater? Did they grow up above the Hellmouth in Sunnydale?

Blackwater makes the CIA look like good guys.

I think the reason it hasn’t really caught on outside of political nerds is that the scandal is hard to boil down into one sentence. Lewinsky was Bill Clinton getting a BJ in the Oval Office, Watergate was the President concealing a break in. The Russian scandal involves a lot of connections and conversations between

Can their corruption get ANY more fucking obvious? Like what the fuck is going on? They’re not even hiding it and no one is calling them out on anything...

Both him and ayn rand were so full of themselves and with their head up their asses that they never have any perspective of the fact they used government handouts while tell people to work and fix their own issues without any government Involvement.

He and his idol Ayn Rand have lots in common! Like that time they both utilized “government handouts” to prevent themselves and their families from going into poverty.

He supports free-market solutions for people with autism. Like...uhhhh...private companies taking the place of medicaid and disability assistance, I guess. Or churches doing it or whatever or...look, just shut up and read Atlas Shrugged, ok? It explains it all in there.

Any statement on sexual assault from Donald should begin with “I’m deeply sorry for all of the times I’ve sexually assaulted women” and should end with his resignation. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

During the Bush administration, where there was one corrupt connection after another (the false premise of the Iraq war, Abu Ghraib, Halliburton/KBR, Enron, the doxxing of Valerie Plame, etc.) either extensively reported in the media or eventually investigated by Congress. I was always thinking, “This is it. This is