
In that vein, McMaster’s “boss” is the Constitution of the United States of America, not the President. The Rule of Law trumps Trump, in every regard.

Oh, hare!

Fuck yourself to death.

That user name. LOL

Hey, hey, hey! This has gone a little far now.

What the fuck-

It’s “funny”. Some of the most ardent 2nd Amendment supporters will insist that it’s in place to “protect us from tyranny”. So when there are enough small arms in the US to put a gun in each and every person’s hands, who will protect us from that brand of tyranny?

I think that Obama would have probably responded in a similar vein (he did it in Libya) but perhaps not as quickly.

Because there are billionaires, and then there are everyone else.

It was floated during the Iraq War that the US was “starting another Crusade” into the Middle East. I don’t buy that, I think it was a culture of privatized Intelligence and defense contracting run amok, but Jeremy Scahill detailed Erik Prince in his book, Blackwater. Prince truly is a “Christ put us on this Earth to

They’re splitting the story into two films. The first film focuses on the characters as children.