Harry Caul

I was convinced "The Beast from the East" was a literary masterpiece when I was 8 or 9. "My Best Friend Is Invisible" also had a mindblowing-to-a-child twist ending, if I recall.

True. I've heard the same accusations of condescension and cynicism leveled at the makers of "American Movie," but I've always seen that as a sweet, cockeyed love letter to low-budget filmmaking and a portrait of this troubled dude who will do anything to get his movie finished. You can laugh at the subjects, but I've

I had never heard of "Demon Lover Diary" until just now, but it looks like there's a copy on YouTube. If it's the proto-"American Movie" it sounds like, I'm already sold.

And he calls Leonard Maltin "bitch"!

Larry David has the world's most inexplicable cameo on an episode of "Hannah Montana."

I don't know. Is there an easy and convenient Internet feature that allows someone looking for facts and statistics to collect said information? If not, we should invent it.

This is the angry flip side to the patronizing "you wouldn't know that because you weren't born yet" bullshit I get all the time.

They do, as well as his love of loose women, and they show a few clips from "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" with some nudity (and that nasty gunshot to the mouth scene). And believe it or not, Gene Siskel was a good pal of Hugh Hefner's, and there are some archival photos of him cavorting with naked ladies at the

And why are more people not upset by the montage set to that insufferable "American Idol" song from all those insurance commercials? FOR YOUUUU, FOR YOUUUUU. Horrible.

The headline he glances at is "Police Doubt Fire Was Accidental."

So you're saying I SHOULDN'T show up to the theater with my John 3:16 sign? DAMN IT.

Good points, well argued.

This makes me so, so sad.

From what I understand, it was an EPIX fail.

What's worse than the Pixies' newest EP? The Pixies' last EP.

That Madonna cameo was so painfully awkward and brought that skit to a screeching halt. The silence that followed her putting in her grill seemed to last for a goddamned eternity.

30 seconds at a time, you buy a Dodge Durango every time.

He once punched a hole in a cow just so he could see who was coming up the road. TO BRASKY!

"If you drop a phonograph needle on Brasky's nipple, it plays the Beach Boys' 'Pet Sounds.'"

Yeah, but everyone knows Tracy Morgan is secretly the star of those bits.