I've never had a problem in my MacBook. Granted, I have an 840 Pro not an EVO. I would recommend staying away from Marvell controllers and always choose Samsung. Even Apple's SSD's are Samsung.
I've never had a problem in my MacBook. Granted, I have an 840 Pro not an EVO. I would recommend staying away from Marvell controllers and always choose Samsung. Even Apple's SSD's are Samsung.
AMBER!!!! I'm still pissy about my E90 having red turn signals. A freaking German car has red in the US is horrifying to me. However my FJ has amber, so there's that I guess.
Why doesn't Chrysler just transfer ownership? Seems like that's a better answer?
Yeah, liability doesn't work that way. Responsibility and accountability always tries to get the most from whoever they can. Since Chrysler owns the cars (I don't get why), they are ultimately responsible for what happens with the cars.
Wait, so because you don't understand it or think the concept is absurd you refuse to be friends with someone? I mean...seriously...that's what you said?
So if the mayor of Tucson, Arizona (USA) makes a request to the president of Mexico for assistance then it's totally OK for Mexico's military to rush across the border? I think your logic is seriously flawed...you can't have a country move into another forcibly. That's called an invasion.
You may want to include a note about changing the default password when jailbreaking iOS devices. A lot of people jailbreak, but very few actually change the default password.
I should have made that more clear. Because I grew up in AZ which does not have them, I never understood why other states do.
I hate front license plates. Growing up in AZ I never understood why we had to have them.
Not just the cars...the Italians are completely confusing to me. And TBH, no. I've never been a big fan of Italian cars, Ferrari/Lamborghini/etc. They've just never tickled my fancy.
Maybe it's just me, but I seriously don't get all the hoopla about Alpha Romeo (in general) and the 4C (specifically). It's not an attractive car (that's subjective I guess, but the BRZ/FRS is MUCH more attractive IMO), and it doesn't appear to be that good at all. Granted the Nurburgring time is impressive, but if…
That's what I've always done with my 4Runner and FJ. Opening just the rear window is not ideal, but I've never had any issue as long as the fronts were open too.
Agreed, I was thoroughly unimpressed with it.
As a new BMW owner, I more frequently than I'd like to admit hit the BC button instead of resume for the cruise control, and it takes me a minute to figure out that instead of cruise control I'm now looking at average speed. That, and I also accidentally flash my high beams instead of setting the cruise control. I'm…
When I lived in Chicago I was told that's how people park in small spaces...but using each others bumpers. The concept that you knowingly bump into other cars is beyond my comprehension.
I've gotten a few of these, and they've been pretty accurate. Got one on Sunday in Pocatello, ID...and indeed parts of Pocatello did get some flooding.
Yes, I am burning a bunch of fuel. I payed for it, so suck it. It's my fuel, and I can do what I want with it.
I love the Venza and think it's fantastic. I almost bought one, and I'm seriously looking at one again.
One thing I think is important to remember are the laws and amount of insurance. If I remember correctly the law requires almost unlimited coverage for liability in the UK or Europe, while in the US that is most definitely not the case.