
@tedknaz: Can he bring some to Phoenix too? Please? I love wheat beer, but I've never been too happy with the easily accessible ones here.

I don't understand how lawyers are not all over this. My understanding via the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act is that in this case, Chrysler would have to PROVE that the modifications caused the failure in order to deny the warranty claim. Yet, this happens all the time. How do car companies get away with this? It

Rather than PDANet, use Wireless Tether. It works on every phone I've used, including my Vibrant, and I believe there's even a version available in the Market. It's free, and works. Just another option.

@Nikkoli: CM6 is available for the Evo. My Vibrant on the other hand is still waiting... :(

@battra92: I'm running 10.04 and it's a simple install from Google. It's a .deb that even adds itself to Synaptic for automatic updates. Even flash/everything works just fine. I much prefer Chrome to Firefox, and one of the reasons is this articles content, that I get more usable space in Chrome.

@EBone: I add items to my streaming queue all the time through the Netflix app on the PS3. They don't have to be added through the website.

@shadymilkman: I agree. While most people here see this as a good thing, you're paying me less just because I'm straight and married. Regardless of the effort on Google's part, it's illegal to pay me less JUST BECAUSE I'm not gay, which is exactly what this is.

@Sandeep Murali: Why do you say the OMAP are way ahead? My Droid @ 1.2GHz isn't any faster than a Nexus One @ 1GHz. I'm actually curious...because all I've read shows the Snapdragon better, at least now.

@dantheman12: If the current Droid is one to go by, a overclocked Droid is slightly slower than a Snapdragon. Linpack is lower, and Quattro is slightly lower. Running 2.2 and Quattro my Droid running at 1.1GHz was slightly faster than a 1GHz Nexus One. Reading what I have though, the Snapdragon is supposed to just

@VeeArrrSix: All of them in Arizona have warning signs. The mobile units just have them on the ground rather than 6 feet in the air. The warning signs are required. Of course, your best warning is when every idiot on the freeway slams on their brakes around them...