
Lol what about all the variation of hand positions within the chest press? Barbells and dumbbells have several variations to work different muscles just based on a slight alteration to hand positioning. These alterations can be much more effective than your bench position itself.

50lb weight limit

50lb weight limit

Wasnt he just taking Clomid, not steroids?

Does anyone actually spell out World War Two? WWII or World War II is much more commonplace 

Rose has been playing just fine surprisingly

I love how ESPN is saying it’s been 14 yrs not 13 because they dont realize this is the 17-18 season

I really want my Twolves to make it but I feel like they didnt really earn it. Besides if we get anything other than the 6 seed, it wont matter

you sir are an idiot, have fun looting for 30 min and getting shot in the back only to do it all over again. also have fun with all those garbage campers

Everyone hating on Lil Dicky just like they did with Post. “They are stealing/destroying the culture.” Paaalease. All the mumble rappers today are the ones blame. They’re all trash.

Maybe she can replace 146 year old Hubie Brown

Maybe she can replace 146 year old Hubie Brown

Not a great guy but a great fighter. Cant wait to DC’s boring ass to lose.

Easily the best stream I have ever watched on twitch was the day that Sacriel and Jackfrags did this. Sacriel was in observation mode and could herd the zombies toward the survivors.

Soy is know to raise your estrogen levels, I avoid it at all costs. Many protein bars use soy...