
I hear this game is pretty great, but unless they would let me dress what seems like the main protagonist in something that wouldn’t make me feel like a creepy asshole as I’m playing the game, I’m probably not going to get it.

Chickens? Can’t you even get your racism right?

I wonder if the birds are subject to carrion regulations?

I’m pretty sure the answer involves freaking sharks.

But will it entertain cats?

And Perry was Chief Executive of the 2nd largest state in the union(a State with a larger economy that of all of Central America, combined), and leader of its National Guard. The question is, does that experience prepare him for this role.

Is this really blackmail though? He didn’t set this up as part of some criminal premeditated scheme. He just refuses to cooperate since he’s no longer an employee, which I believe is within his rights. If they want his assistance at this point, here are his terms.

If he’s telling the truth he didn’t do anything wrong...The company that was taking over the department should have had that figured out before they let him go.

Try 12345. That’s what assholes use.

This is amazing!
-Lord Shaxx

Faulty onboard gaydar.

With poor targeting? It hit a straight woman.

Homophobic drones