Nathan Sanford

Praise Jesus™

"A violent video game about killing right-wing crazy people." This is not what the game is about, as the leftists try to kill the player as well.

If they included a scene where it starts out as rape and then the woman consents then there would have been a similar article to this one appearing complaining about how Game of Thrones encourages rape by suggesting that women actually want to be assaulted.

If they stuck with the book version then people would have complained that it justified rape and suggested that women do in fact WANT to be raped.

The common people of the show are civilians in a war zone.

So if a man forces himself on a woman and she consents then it shows she has agency, but if she refuses she has no agency?

He can write whatever he wants to write. It takes a really ungrateful turd of a fan to complain about an author not writing exactly what that fan desires in the time frame desired.