Nathan Rabin

You're talking about people who talk shit about Juggalos out of unabashed classism? I don't know. I think it might have something to do with the culture of ugly, glib snark and cynicism that thrives on the internet.

The Gathering consistently has an excellent comedy line up. Hannibal Burress has played there and Bobcat Goldthwaith turned in one of the greatest sets I've ever seen. You can read all about it in the 5000 word essay about the 2012 Gathering that Josh didn't link to in the piece.

I did. The man is a god. I felt anointed. It was an honor to be razzed by him.


I've heard there's an entire book about them!

I am a proud member of the Juggalo gang.

Hi, A.V Club commentariat! I actually attended three of these Gatherings and a Hallowicked and had a pretty amazing, transformative experience that completely changed the way I thought about music and myself. I wrote a book about the experience called YOU DON'T KNOW ME BUT YOU DON'T LIKE ME that you will never again