Nathan Paylor

As I said to another chap below, I'm genuinely sorry that it annoyed you. Re: 'internet etiquette', I simply assumed it was acceptable in the Doctor Who fan community to share reviews and materials. Obviously not as acceptable (in the way I've presented it at least) at this particular subsection of that community.

I'm not exactly hiding the fact that I've done it repeatedly - hence the word, 'again' :) It is always genuine. It stems from the fact that I'd rather be repetitively courteous than habitually presumptuous.

Sorry to be THAT guy again, AV Club people, but after this great review you might be interested in this one from the Long Defeat blog? See what you think :)

Thanks for a great review AV club!! :) So sorry to be 'that guy', here's our own review over at The Long Defeat Blog - http://thelongdefeat.weebly…