
That’s a great post, but another Settlement has sent word that they need our help. I’ll mark it on your map. Go find out what they need. We could use more settlements supporting our cause.

Wow, a Palladium RPG reference. I see you are also a person of culture.

So, to ruin Star Wars a bit further, know in your heart that every time a stormtrooper got hit by Han’s laser pistol, he was effectively burning and roasting their insides.

I completely disagree, the last thing baseball needs is a scandal involving performance enhancing hugs.

I get to be a gun-slinging space Socialist?

on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.

The clip is only 57 seconds long, but the ball’s recording device recorded 18 hours of static while it was in right field.

What a mistake. Just like Russell Wilson and Drew Brees, Murray is just too short to play QB in the NFL.

Or maybe it’s Occam’s razor that’s cutting off the tips.

“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

i see you are unfamiliar with the Golden Gophers. Iowa could have run that play from their own goal line and still scored because that’s just how incompetent the Gophers are.

I sentence you to death by hats.

Exactly what I was expecting. Always a favourite of Jerry Pournelle's I seem to remember.

Smashing idea, do continue!

Aww. I thought this article was going to be about the other Flying Crowbar Of Doom idea from the Cold War: Project Thor.