Nathan Ray-Ban

What was in the briefcase?
My papers…business papers.
What do you do for a living?
I'm unemployed.

"You see this envelope? He gave me this envelope. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of stationery up my ass for two years."

2001: Space Travesty is a thing? Sounds like an amazing train wreck.

Something something everywhere…

I'll be damned, but I bought one for my friend's 2 year old daughter because it just looked so fucking adorable on the shelf at Toys 'R Us. When you squeeze the little motherfucker it goes "Bee-doo bee-doo bee-doo" and this little siren on its head flashes and spins. My friend's daughter dresses it up in diapers and

It's a Despicable franchise.

White people everywhere!

or Age Ain't Nothing But a Number.

He worked behind the scenes for years as a songwriter and session musician, made some pretty good songs. And he was really funny as Kevin Hart's nemesis in the first season of True Husbands. He's talented all-round and developed a solid African-American fanbase for his music (which isn't an easy thing for a white guy

AVClub's hate campaign for Robin Thicke has always struck me as bizarre.

Donglover's efforts at stand-up comedy and rap have never ceased to make me cringe.

You wanna go?

The show sounds like a depiction of the way Ryan Seacrest sees his own life.

"The challenge for audiences and the contestant alike is to find Hicks so
appealing that we’re willing to overlook both the central creepiness of
his participation in the show and the never-ending string of jerky
things he’s forced to do. I’m not sure anyone alive is that appealing."