Nathaniel A.

Watch out for fly-ons. You're gonna get fly-ons.

Bruce Ben-Bacharach is the star of this show.

Oh just wait.

"Michel came to America in search of movie stardom, then pivoted to porn before landing on New Age leadership as an alternative route to the perks and sycophantic adoration he craved."

I see where you're coming from as well, and I would agree with you, IF our national debt weren't already ridiculously high as it is. I just feel that we should focus on things that reduce the enormous deficit we are already in. I do think we should tutition-free college, but I think we should prioritize managing our

I'm someone who really cares about being fiscally responsible, meaning not spending more than you earn, etc etc, it always makes me vaguely uncomfortable to support Bernie Sanders (although in all fairness Trump's and Clinton's plan wouldn't be much better for the economy) because of how much the deficit would be

There was a level of tint on the windows that I'll maintain to this day was not legal in an Illinois-licensed vehicle.

You're a hot mess Mother!!

Both questions are perplexing, but as for the how of it I'm guessing they'll make Sarah Whittle a man.

How about over video chat, keeping in mind that we were both snowed in for several days?

Yeah, we're still around, and with high hopes for 2015-16 after last year's worst season in franchise history.

And trust me, none of us Tennesseans miss him either.

Don't forget Whiplash.

I just want my kids back.

Everything was perfection except the characters and plot. That being acting, score, costuming, and special effects.

I know what stopped me. And it's never stopping me again.

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Son, your ego's writing checks your body can't cash.

As good a place as any to put this:

It Tastes Like Family: Manderly Bakeries