
Y'know… this is one of those articles where I'd mock that this is news blah blah blah but then someone would say Trump is a pop culture figure and this is a pop culture site not a news blah blah blah so instead I'll just ask… if I'm behind a whole season on Fargo and The Americans, which do I watch this weekend?

You're thinking of Bovine University

Oh right this is one of those sites where people imagine all Russians as that scene from the Rocketeer with the nazi jetpack propaganda reel, a hivemind just waiting to strike.

I remember I knocked out a coworker's tail light on my way out the parking lot once and he was black… tantamount to attempted murder. If he gets pulled over? Game over.

Hans… are WE the baddies?!

Everyone knows Ayn Rand, born Alisa Rosenbaum, is adored by the nazis.

He has perpetrated the classic asshole move of assaulting an Uber driver

100% are criminals

Not yet

Finn x Poe

Nicki - improving foreign countries

How can I get back at the Palestinians without putting pizza crusts up my butt?

Elsewhere in these comments: where is Trump he's the president and should be responding to this!

…or we'll all just change our facebook photos, be outraged for a week, then wait for it to happen again.

I imagine both characters will make it out alive, if damaged. But Kim will go on to see the real Saul Goodman in action, and like Chuck wish she had stopped him when she had the chance.

They're making the Leftorium their new party headquarters. Hopefully they have better luck than Flanders did.

He seems more douchy this year for me cause he is actually succeeding. He always used to operate on Dennis Reynolds rules: extreme confidence, unending failures.

Kent, Amy and Ben have been too removed from the proceedings this season, with the Flanderized Gary hogging the camera and it's a bummer. But Kent correcting "Isle" of Misfit Toys is true to form and glorious.

Rad, a combination of retarded and sad

Maybe thats why all Trump's ideas are so terrible.