NathanFords EvilTwin

I KNOW! I've been waiting for an episode that really digs into Garnet's flaws (which have only been hinted at in "Future Vision" and…um, "Arcade Mania" I guess?) And though it hasn't happened yet, I think this will be when we finally get it.

In this episode yeah, but it can be many things, which is the brilliance of using sci-fi as metaphor.

Sure let's go into the message board of a show who's main themes are empathy, understanding, and pacifism, and try to pick a fight. That's brilliant.

I'm so happy for Helene Yorke!

There's tons of things M+J researched they haven't gone into yet, why tread boring ground?

Fair enough!

If someone wanted to watch Season 2, I think I'd tell them to just watch four episodes: "The Fight", "Blackbird", "Asterion", and the finale. Since that's 33% I guess you're not far off!

I'm not complaining about the relationship between Masters and Johnson, I'm complaining about the need to put their made-up kids into it. The show was plenty compelling just focusing on the scientists and their subjects without the family drama.


I mean that's all they could talk about before the show started airing cause that's all the screeners there were.

Awesome to know.

I think my list is the same, it's really hard to argue with that list.


I'd place that second to the sex science, but it is a very close second! Third place goes to Jane, who's gone now and that sucks. Fourth place goes to Betty, who's hopefully still around?

Anyone watch Masters of Sex? Is it as bad as the AVC review makes it out to be? On the fence of picking that up again.


I loved season one of this show, but reading about how this episode is all about M+J being ~bad parents~ instead of the sex science I want reminds me why season two was so rough, and helps me decide not to come back.

Hah, interesting. Those late era novelizations were something else, I should check them out sometime.

Where does the France thing come from? I know the others.