NathanFords EvilTwin

"Yeah we've seen him play three generic white dudes, but this one is SO different"

Everything on the AV Club is, yes.

Boring =/= bad.

Way to miss the whole point of that post, good job, A+ ignorance there.

Mark Ruffalo is an exciting choice, cause he'd only done indies before. Paul Rudd is an exciting choice, cause he's usually a comedic actor. Chris Hemsworth was an exciting choice cause he was an unknown. Butterfield's a known quantity. He already has quite a few CGI fests under his belt. We know what he can do. Big

He was great in Hugo, but that doesn't stop this choice of seeming very boring and predictable.

That seems like more of a reaction to CNN/MSNBC/Fox/etc. reporting on the dress. They have a nominal responsibility to addressing world affairs, an alt comic doesn't.

D*ng, sorry about that

And those first two are midseason

Where the fuck is this coming from? AV Club has always been one of the biggest boosters of this show, have you even read one of Sava's reviews?

Fingerprints are formed at random in the womb, so they're even different on identical twins. This is why whenever there was drama about similar fingerprints on Orphan Black I had to grit my teeth a bit.

They only have one new show next fall though? I have no idea what you're talking about.


True. Point was laugh tracks can be done well and unintrusively.

Season 2 was super inconsistent. The lack of any real goalposts, plus dud arcs like Masters' impotency and Libby's….lots of things really hurt the show IMO.

I feel like it's a step in the right direction. If they got the Jack rights, that puts them in a better position to negotiate for the Ten rights.

As I've already mentioned on Twitter, and now repost here to open discussion, the most exciting thing here is the possibility of The New Ten/Donna Adventures.

Doctor Who Spinoff Corner

Wow, this is great. Whoever wrote it nailed the gems voices.

Very fair and reasonable, thank you.