Fear Her is the nadir of New Who, and it's still not as bad as The Twin Dilemma or Time Flight. So, Classic.
Fear Her is the nadir of New Who, and it's still not as bad as The Twin Dilemma or Time Flight. So, Classic.
"When episodes are written by individual writers, they have wild inconsistency. When everybody is writing an episode, they feel like they’re written by one voice."
It did explode areas of marshland. That was weird.
Now that's more the fame range I think we should be looking in for Doctor actors. Even Davison and Capaldi were only generally known, not household names.
I actually don't know about that, but I do really like their work. It's definitely consistent and high quality.
Only the guy is the one that does the thinking and Clara is the one that does the punching?
God, yes, the Inter Minor stuff is so fascinating, which you wouldn't expect from space politics.
Great character too, she gets to constantly call out Vorg for his shit, and be the only one with a level head most of the time.
I've seen that, don't care for it. If the question is "let's name actors who could cosplay as the Doctors" then it's reasonably close, but falls apart around Nic Cage. If it's "let's name actors who would logically be cast as the Doctors" it's a huge failure, as nearly all of those choices would be too prestigious for…
I'd rather Bahn saves Survival for his last review, just for symbolic sake.
Cause it's not explicit. "Very likely" then. You have a point, he certainly doesn't look like the kind of guy capable of kidnapping and corralling like that.
I was just trying to name any non-One story that was pure historical, and forgot that yeah, Black Orchid did kind of have a monster. And yeah, Tlotoxl was pretty freaky.
He still is stuffy, but when played right it's a strength, as both fodder for comedy and giving him an air of cool. Played wrong and it's insufferable (as I find him a lot), but I see the appeal.
He explicitly mentions he bought the machine from someone else, probably captive people and all.
I think it's no coincidence that some of the worst Who stories from any era come right before a creative change.
"you can be guaranteed that when you turn on your television, you’re going to see the Doctor and his companion chased by monsters. "
I LOVED this one. Sure Inferno, and The Silurians, etc. are all great in many aspects, but this was the first Third Doctor I've seen that really resonated with me. The ideas were consistently fresh, the dialog sparkling, the characters fascinating (I could watch a spinoff about Vorg and Shirna), and the action…
21. Hence the last sentence. It's funny to think about how the viewing habits of my generation on are going to be so different with the internet's ease of access.
I never saw the point in flipping channels. Why do that instead of watching I actually want to watch on the internet? Obviously, this only applies to around 2007 on, but that's when I started regularly watching TV.