Nathan Evans

Yes, you're demonstrating that fact.

As written? I guess so. My bad.

"So, look forward to seeing that clip pop up on Fox News next week, alongside that potentially controversial SNL monologue where CK talked about how good he imagines molesting children must have to feel to be worth the risk."
They didn't say that's how FOX would twist it, they said they'd air the footage where CK

Wow, way to twist CK's words. He talked about how good it must feel— to a pedophile, not to him. I don't know why I don't just expect slanted journalism from this site at this point.

I never claimed to be a better writer than Ebert… nor do I get paid to trash people on the internet. If you do, though, I think it's a fair bar to set that you can do a better job than those you judge. Otherwise, why does the critique matter?
Short answer: it doesn't. As is the case with Mr. O'Neal here, it just makes

"Also, Beyond the Valley of the Dolls isn't softcore porn as much as it is campy exploitative schlock."
That's exactly my point. When the best you can achieve is "schlock", maybe you shouldn't be the person judging other, more talented people's work. But I'll give it to Ebert: at least he tried his hand at conjuring

Professional criticism, in and of itself, is a lesser, parasitic art form. Roger Ebert wrote softcore porn before becoming a film critic. It just goes to show that even the best, Pulitzer prize winning critics can only manage to be some of the worst script writers. Say what you will about Kevin Smith, but he's never

Film critics write honest, respectful criticisms of other people's art. Internet assholes write snide, passive aggressive essays that are really just thinly veiled personal attacks. I doubt they give Pulitzers for that.

Despite how crass and lowbrow a human-on-donkey sex scene is, it's still an act of creation. So what's more pathetic, creating something or taking potshots at those who do behind the safety of a keyboard. In fact, this guy's so smarmy and so talented at being a parasite of other people's work, that he's risen to

Anybody else slightly taken aback by the douchey, self-satisfied tone of this article by an author that has no hope of accomplishing even half of what, self appointed slacker, Kevin Smith has accomplished?