Nathanael "Googly Eyes" Greene

The problem is that they needed to take more time to wrap this saga up. It’s too rushed. It meandered for close to ten years and then they rushed it, and did a disservice to the story, the characters and the fans in doing so. And GRRM stopped writing this story, so blame him too.


Cersei noping out of Cleganebowl may have been the high point of the episode for me.

I HATE that they took a character who grew from an underestimated small player—moving pieces behind the scenes—to a ruthless leader and ended with her crying about her unborn child. The writers have always relied on her relationship to her children to humanize her and to develop her character, which is such a naive

Yeah, I was like “uh, why isn’t she flying to the window to give Cersei some flame to the face??”

The bells didn’t make her go crazy. It alerted her to a choice:

I agree that Dany’s plot was built up over many seasons, and it’s in character with consideration of the long arc... but the writers failed to effectively show her transition from rationalizing her acts of violence with rhetoric of being a champion of the oppressed, to just burning a city for funsies that had just

It seems I’m one of the only people who still likes this show now, because apparently the idea that a show whose only long-running theme that rulership by birth is destructive at best and when led by ill rulers is horrifying in totality, ending with yet another ill-ruler with a longstanding history of

Bees Is Risen!

The fire that devastated Notre Dame earlier this week destroyed about two-thirds of its roof, yet somehow it seems

Your definition of good just sounds apathetic to suffering, not less judgmental.

Yes, I will be judging someone wearing fur. At least it’s a step in the right direction and all those steps add up. Do good where you can.

But eating animals is part of the basic need to provide sustinance to your body. Yeah you can go vegan, vegetarian etc but we were designed to be able to be omnivorous. Yes we wear leather shoes, clothing etc, but that’s usually a by product from the meat and dairy industries so all the animal is used. This sort of


The difference with fur is the inhumane practice; animals are skinned ALIVE for fur.

Killing animals to produce a product no one needs and is done as a fashion statement perfectly demonstrates our species’ selfishness and waste. Animals don’t exist for us to exploit for whatever trivial whim we can imagine. And the grotesque cruelty of the industry, which you either aren’t aware of or don’t care

Nobody’s eating chinchilla.

Not everyone eats them.