Had a feeling that the dude with long hair who spoke articulately about testing would have moved up in the gaming world.
Quick two cents: I worked for Tiburon as a tester, and my roommate was working as a producer for a AAA title. He daily complained of terrible treatment, and creative restriction. He was part of the group that gave the execs the ultimatum of either giving them free reign creatively on a game, or they walked. That’s how…
I tested at EA back in the middish 2000’s, I didn’t play game for 9 months after.
Yeah, you guys gettim’! Filthy bastard! Just like those crazy assholes who think cuttin’ up babies and shit is wrong! Both are vile, vile creatures!
Oooooh yeah, there it is. I quit doing meth about 11 years ago, but I still need something that’s evil, unhealthy, insane, poison. Something that no rational person would participate in, and others wonder “why do they keep DOING that?” So I come here to read comments. Wish I’d found comments like these before getting…
Hahaha, love it.
Deal with it Felix, or cash out. You're Youtube's number 1 channel, you're going to have crazies crazy on you. You have a target on your back. That said, people requesting you fist them is fucking weird. But, you did create the whole "brofist" bullshit. Either deal with the weirdos, or take your toys (and millions and…
"That's largely because follows the most important rule of video game graffiti..." Do you guys even proofread before you post?
Apparently, that was pretty great. 'Parently.
I need to let my appreciation of the community coming together outweigh the anger I have in the passing of someone so young, but it's tough.
Dude, you live in Atlanta? Awesome! I grew up in Woodstock, and live in Smyrna now. I'm very excited for what Hi-Rez has accomplished. For being Atlanta's flag-ship studio, they've done us proud indeed.
You're a shitty game journalist.
How in the hell can a digital outlet with so much say-so relegate such impact on a 2014 "Best of" list, only to have the writer exclude a title simply because it's "not your kind of series?" Objectivity, well. I'll stop there. Gaming journalism; true gaming journalism, is dead.
Dude's scarf game is on point.
Me thinks they need to focus on making more Legendary items. Perhaps a patch that includes, I don't know, 300-500 of them across the board? Less focus on percentage rate of drops being legendary, and more on creating a better spread/variety of Legendaries themselves.
I know this isn't going to Andre directly, for I'm unable to figure out how to directly ask you a question, so I hope you're reading this.
Are you kidding Billy? Andre has made several points throughout the article that alludes to the fact that, indeed, he ISN'T "just a guy in a suit with fancy charts and graphs..." In fact, he made the point that being as such is one of the problems that plagues the industry of video-game consultants. Given the…
Were you at Tiburon? I worked on NASCAR PSP as a beta tester.
Great quality. Editing, content, writing; seriously. Good shit man (or woman, but I doubt that considering your user name)