
People make fun of the mainstream film industry for its utter lack of originality and innovation, and Hollywood responds by just remaking old film and TV properties with the gender or race changed.

No shit, Captain Obvious. Did you read the rest of the comment? I brought it up because it probably was the idea that motivated Almodovar to make the film.

Way too fucking similar to the Seventies movie The Driver for my comfort. They could have practically marketed it as a remake.

I think I read somewhere that psychologists claim half of women fantasize at some point about being raped. That being said, I don't think any woman would actually fall in love with a rapist regardless of his appearance. Don't know what Almodovar was thinking with that one.

Wha? This is like the NBA Hall of Fame enshrining Sam Bowie.

Nothing encourages interest in books quite like the recent glut of mediocre History Channel documentaries. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit to watching every WWII-themed doc as a high schooler. They are a decent primer for kids, but probably not much more useful than playing the original Call of Duty.

Hecklers are attention-seeking clowns who ruin the show for everyone else. Now you know why the crowd was laughing when Tosh made that girl run away crying. Though personally I'd have preferred to have seen Chappelle give those Hartford idiots the same treatment Bill Burr gave to his unruly Philly audience.

Monty Python's Holy Grail isn't D & D inspired obviously, but I can't help but feel they had pretty much covered this territory before.

Monty Python's Holy Grail isn't D & D inspired obviously, but I can't help but feel they had pretty much covered this territory before.

Interiors contained some great fully-formed ideas and characters. In a weird way Midnight in Paris is so much more depressing, because he was so clearly out of material.