DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

By the way, 5 hours into Zelda, and holy crap is it boring.

Why is this a surprise? ESPN is not about standing for anything. It is not about “news gathering”. It is a business. Businesses exist to make money. ESPN does this via entertainment. The NFL supplies some of that entertainment content, and the viewers consume it and pay with subscriptions or viewing advertising. In

I agree about the cast bickering, and it threw me off on the Discovery. But then again, I am sure not every ship had a chummy crew. This particular ship is up to some shady things, with a captain given carte blanche to do some shadier things. He will be choosing his crew for specific needs, not crew fit. Just like

I will agree with you there. But, then again, usually deaths ARE utterly pointless.

What a silly complaint! The casting on this show is one of the most diverse in a while. Should those POC or female characters now have magic bubbles around them? We wanted more diverse casts, this show meets that, and that means those will also be a number of the casualties.

Is this a surprise to anyone? Seemed like it was obvious. Governments (not just the US) have been using movies for this purpose from the start too.

I’ll take your word for it. Personally I have always liked moths since I was a kid. Not sure why.

You have noisy moths?

It is a tragedy, and worthy of a different debate (should people be allowed to put themselves at risk, no matter how well trained and prepared, just to make entertainment?).

block them. They are not allowed back.

I am really not surprised or bothered by any of this. Football is entertainment. Some people are no longer entertained and are going to say something. Players can protest, some fans will leave. Some fans will protest, some people seeing that will mock them.

So I agree with the HOA hate in general, but in this case it looks like whoever wrote it up thought the guy had an upside down wreck in his driveway, not a wierd looking car.

I pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. Looking to drop one of those. NOT going to add a new one.

Oh I know. It is bad out there in some places. I tend to be pickier about my remote spots. But still, if I was out at some remote lake like in this photo and some couple lit up their tent like that and projected a rock concert, I think I would spread peanut butter around their tent while they slept.

Oh I know. It is bad out there in some places. I tend to be pickier about my remote spots. But still, if I was out

I know it is just a marketing image, but good lord, what sort of a monster goes out an a camping trip so they can project and blast a concert video on the side of their tent?!

I know it is just a marketing image, but good lord, what sort of a monster goes out an a camping trip so they can

Well as an icon, WW was one long before Sarah Connor. SC was never an “icon” as much as a fan favorite. And as for box office, inflation would show that Terminator wins.

That was my first reaction. But if you think about it, they could have been having an affair or flirting. She kills the wife without him knowing. Then after he gets out of jail on the other charges they pick back up again.

So I am not saying they are lying about the data as to recieving the fob signals, but do they KNOW it was not extraneous signals from somewhere else. Many cars re-lock their doors if no one opens them after X seconds because they CAN get false signals and unlock. So it is not like this is unheard of, and if so,

I really have no concerns. It is not like they can access your fob from their office. If you bring the car in for service, they can run a diagnotic on everything it did to determine cause of problem. Key fob signals are just one more point of data.

Because Rorsharch is the everyman. The one you can identify with. Anyone can be Rorsharch if they are sociopathic enough. Ozymandias on the other hand is the closest thing (if you discount Manhattan) among the rest of the other heroes comes to a “superhero”. He is insanely intelligent and fast enough to catch a