If you have to explain the joke...
If you have to explain the joke...
Wow. You just used the death of a six year old to vent your totally unrelated agenda. You must be so proud (dick).
Sooo, you don’t like the current state of Basketball and it would be better if Boston was NOT competitive and just rolled over?
Did it? Honest question. I would assume that money just went from one pocket to another.
So I thought the main reason for requiring the calculators instead of phone apps was that it was too hard to keep you from cheating in some way with your phone. How does having Desmos change that?
Look, I have always been a Kap fan and I supported his choice to kneel. And he does a ton of charity work. But the Kap thing is really simple.
Would it, or make it much easier? If someone hacks the system, could you not now cause hundreds of accidents at once, killing pedestrians and/or passengers?
Well, first, it does not seem like it is “heating up”. It is moving at the same slow pace it was. Comey or no Comey, that probably is not going to change.
Agreed. It just seemed that once it did focus on the subject’s face she kept looking at it (3 times I think). You’d think she would react in some way. But who knows. Maybe she was trying to decide if it was recording her or not.
Fair enough. Just found it odd, but it may simply be that.
Sure, whatever. In my mind, never allowing questions pretty much falls solidly with the “no questions against the status quo” pillar of fascism, but you believe what you like. I never said the video WAS fake, just that her behavior seemed odd and made me pause.
For asking a question? More power to you Mr. Fascist.
Yeah, the winner take all agreement gave me hope that something might happen, but it is still slim. And if it does, I can see a court challenge by someone.
Yeah, sure pal. We must never voice opinions questioning what we see. Just stick with the script. You must work for the Trump campaign. :-)
The conversation about killing the EC comes up around every election time. Neither party will EVER come close to killing the EC unless they think the populace will certainly vote them all out if they don’t.
I did read the article, but admit that I missed that. But even so, most people would notice you turning on your video camera. It does not start like that, but of course could have been edited down.
So on first viewing I just said “what an idiot”. But I do admit that on later viewings I DO have questions. First, how was it that her phone was recording this woman just as she was making these offensive comments? There may be a perfectly valid reason, but it is convenient. Second, the woman seems to notice the…
I don’t know where you are, but “everyeone” is NOT ok with this happening. I would say the vast majority of people would consider her an offensive idiot.
I really hate to dis a deal here, but I will personally never use Bouqs again and have to warn people. Their official customer service appears outsourced and is terrible. They sent our flower order to the wrong state initiall. Support insisted they got it right since the city name was correct (even though the state…
I really hate to dis a deal here, but I will personally never use Bouqs again and have to warn people. Their…
1) The rule is the same on Southwest.