
So is this essentially another version of those barefoot running shoes? It sounds an awful lot like the kind of shoe used by those ultra marathoning native americans in mexico that were so popular about a year ago.

Neat. (click)

Huh, in my world that's a Kansas Jayhawks reference.

I've never previously wanted that, but now I desperately do.

I haven't bought a handheld gaming device in a long, long time. I can already tell you the 3DS is going to change that due to two words: 3D Zelda.

That one is good. Now I'm embarrassed. Mine was going to be, "I want to murder you."

Ah ha! Clear evidence that Harrison Ford WAS INDEED a replicant!

I've always thought the "Live" installs you can make for the Linux system were just about the coolest thing ever. It'd be nice if Windows went down that road.


I love these articles, because they allow thin people to feel superior to fat people, regardless of their actual athletic activity or propensity for dying early. Good job skinny people! You won the gene wars!

I'm not interested until I see Legend of Zelda on the list.

His wife was definitely a looker.

MS Office > Open Office

It's actually not even sales. It's income from sales. The biggest problem the music industry is facing is that the majority of its sales now are at $1, rather than $12-$15. If you count each individual sale, the music industry is having record years, but when each of those sales is to get at the 2 or 3 goods songs

@TheOtherHalf: I think we can all agree that all the ladies are definitely going to go for the guy who argues about (and then proudly displays) phone car mounts on internet message boards.

So what you're saying is that, if Taco Bell meat is people, then it's only 36% AT MOST. Whew. Awesome. I can finally stand down.

@Boomdiggity!: I'd like to make the additional point that (for me and a wide variety of others, based on the support line) it is absolutely impossible to receive texts using GV from Sprint customers. The entire sprint network appears to think I have a landline number. It is the single most annoying thing in the

@ImSpartacus: It was a great deal more obvious when they were shown in isoluation, as far as I can tell.

@carpainter: Oh, yes, I don't have a beef with your or any users addons. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I never used the phrase "closed source addons." I exclusive spoke of the addon system, the addon store, and Plex Media Server. You are welcome to read over my comments again, but I'm almost entirely certain that I

@natethomas: Ah, from the horse's mouth: Plex Media Server is closed source.