
Sorry, but while driving a slow car fast is fun (and more doable on public roads), driving a fast car fast is more fun, IMO. Yes, going around that corner near your house at the limit of a slow car is dramatic (admit it, all Jalops looove drama when it comes to cars), drive the aforementioned z06 at the track, where

I call bullshit, a real broken down Ferrari would be on fire. This is just another Fiero kit.


I'm going Nice Price. The Corvairs are getting harder and harder to fine in decent shape and this one is in extremely nice condition (judging by the pics). Not to mention the fact that it's a turbocharged RWD, REAR ENGINED, GM PRODUCT FROM THE 60S FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. I would hoon the shit out of this at the local

"Not everything needs an LS-motor to be excellent. Great power does not a great car make." You are correct, that's why my LS-motor comes with close to 1g in the handling department, bone stock. Apples and Oranges compared to what I posted and stand behind as over rated. My particular LS powered car is the

I am not bagging on the SI for what it is (was?). I am bagging on the asshats who purchase one and are under the impression that this is a BEAST in stock form. The same goes for several variations of Integra.

How about 5.5k macs to go with those nice phones? 5k would make a LOT of student loan payments. But, yes, you and I are probably closer in our opinions then this thread would indicate.


A subsequent investigation later found that the defendent was actually 23 and that Cocaine was a helluva drug.

Sure it is about the weatlth gap and it only took about three weeks for the OWS folks to come up with an agenda that will "play" to the masses. For every youtube video portraying a person speaking to the issues you have just brought up, I can raise you another youtube video of OWS protestors screaming anti-semitic

"I have fucked up my life, those that have not fucked up their lives DESERVE THIS". Cry me a river. I am sick to death of watching trust fund protestors mixing in with the unemployable to tell me that I am a piece of shit and "deserve" bad things to happen to me because I bust my ass to make a decent living. FUCK

This is just another case of someone with more car than they can handle and more money than they have brains. When the owner points to the "mysterious button" that caused all his problems, I noticed that the interior of this beautiful piece of automotive art is covered in cigarette ashes. I DON'T EVEN SMOKE IN MY

This was taken from your porn folder. Admit it.

This was taken from your porn folder. Admit it.

Unions stacking the deck against a manufacturer? Wow, you don't say?

You would think they came stock with the fart can and cracked body kits.

I will give you 5k for it. I will give book value if you remove all the cheap crap that you have "customized" the car with. Actually, IIRC the 180hp TTs where FWD only. So, I will just go buy a GTI. CP

Current daily is an almost zero option 2009 Corvette (z51 and NPP are the only two options). I would definately trade up to a CTS-V wagon if the price was right. Because V-WAGON!

I don't think these vehicles have been parked there for very long. I'm not seeing any patina of rust and they all look as if they have fully inflated tires. Maybe, the tires are zero pressure style?

I have to consider any vehicle with that particular motor a rolling chassis. In that case, I will give you 1500 to 2k for a nice body. The money saved will be used for a heart transplant.