At least they threw the beer can THE RIGHT WAY, amirite?
Oh shit, wrong bird team.
At least they threw the beer can THE RIGHT WAY, amirite?
Oh shit, wrong bird team.
Nice one, Mike Huckabee
Say what you will about the Cardinals, but at least they didn’t move their stadium out of the city to get farther away from *those* people.
<cough, cough, Braves, cough>.
There’s still a base to the racist fuckbag fanbase competition.
And there’s also a larger cultural problem with cordoning off of places for kids to play pick-up games. Most suburban neighborhoods don’t have public parks within walking distance. When kids play soccer they play once or twice a week, maybe, when their parents drive them to the local soccer park miles away.
There’s no…
The KSU band director is apparently taking a lot of heat for this, what with KU actually filing a claim of unsportsmanlike conduct with the Big 12 commissioners. This is probably mostly due to the attention Deadspin gave this simple mistake.
So maybe publish something that says that KU is fucking stupid for doing that…