
He's no Brooks Wheelan though.

the block party sketch was like the Fart Face sketch, neither are very good but I love them for happily reducing the audience to total silence.

Jennifer Lawrence seems to have gotten showier and showier every year which has been kind of disappointing. I'm blaming David O. Russell.



Brooks Wheelan was probably a case of embracing season 39 as a rebuilding year and wanting to throw out a lot of new stuff to see what would stick, and he's a likable good looking guy which helps.

She's a solid writer and she's had some good appearances on podcasts, but I don't think SNL's been a good fit for her at all. Like, her Update segment last season was bad, but it was based on a longer less jokey segment she had on This American Life that was really good.

they need to get Hathaway back soon, it's been a few years since she's hosted and her weird-ass Godzilla movie deserves all the publicity in the world.

Strong never gets nearly enough credit for being the workhorse of SNL. They put her in virtually everything tonight.

Kate McKinnon's movie career is going to make Dana Carvey look like Tom Cruise.


Paige has nerve damage in her back/shoulder, so she's been off TV/house shows since the draft. I think she's supposed to be out for another week or two before seeing if she's cleared to be in the ring again, but there's a small chance that she ends up needing surgery.

You mean tall Jon Rudnitsky?

If Cecily Strong ever leaves I'm burning down my house.

She's attached to co-star in a movie with Jessica Chastain. She's on a slow Bill Hader-y trajectory.

Sasha's kinda garbage on the mic.

natalie dormer lives on in my heart

Dana manages to look more incompetent every week.

Meltzer said that she was taken in but not arrested and it's not really clear what happened. If she'd been arrested it would've been on TMZ within an hour or two.

Dana Brooke is atrocious. She needed way more time at NXT.