
"And booooo, slave owner!"

Cecily Strong being on that Bill Hader "oh hey, wait don't leave the movie yet" career trajectory is tragic.

Way too many talented wrestlers to put that much emphasis on just two of them for that long.

The Sasha chants were even worse than one of the Usos coming out in half blackface.

Natalya on commentary was the most incredibly bewildering thing I've seen in a while. I think that might have been art.

Vaudevillains entrance music is booty.

The only SNL person who's been announced for this where I've thought "yeah that's a good pick!" has been Cecily Strong and it seems increasingly likely that she'll end up being in this for like a minute and a half.

Vikander? I hardly know her!

Miz is incredible at being terrible. Charlotte is a charisma black hole. Dadbod Jericho is what everyone should aspire to be. Enzo's beach line was great but I'm already tired of the entrance. Bring back Dr. Phil.

This reminds me of when an SNL writer wanted to do a sketch where Chris Hemsworth would walk around New York talking about how Steve Irwin's death was Australia's 9/11. That's all I have to contribute.

I trust you Elizabeth Banks

Ambrose's pet plant has more charisma than Roman Reigns and Charlotte combined.

This sounds like a BioTurd of an idea.

I mean I get your point but it's written by Strong and blackface isn't in vogue these days.

She was one of the wasted supporting cast members of The Boss and she got good reviews for her part in an upcoming Susan Sarandon/Rose Byrne/JK Simmons movie that I forget the title of. It's a slow burn for some SNL people - Bill Hader exclusively played That Guy's Friend for like five years.

Bold but true hot take: Kate McKinnon's Hillary Clinton is bad.

Based on true events? Oh please. That's bollocks and you know it.

The repeated attempts to build up Jason as a complex villain make me miss Lex 1.0 so so so so so much.

Charlotte is god-awful on the mic.

Paige was kind of in "whatever, fuck this" mode for the two minutes of airtime she got in the pre-show and I can't really blame her.