Are you sure? Check out HZD on PS4 Pro:
Are you sure? Check out HZD on PS4 Pro:
The two Uncharted gifs and the one of the guy overlooking the port are player-controlled gameplay, not pre-rendered. I would even add in the one from Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Plastic. It’s made out of plastic, which is probably why they’re being so dodgy.
Call me crazy, but I’ll take the risk that my inert glass mug will be run over by a truck over the convenience of a plastic mug that you can take into a war zone. Even “BPA-free” plastic products characterized as safe have been shown to…
Plastic. It’s made out of plastic, which is probably why they’re being so dodgy.
Call me crazy, but I’ll take the…
Hi There. Just popped in to say that’s not The Starry Night, but still a very enjoyable painting!
But phones don’t have dedicated headsets either. If you’re going to plug a headset into your phone for voice chat, which then gets plugged into your Switch, you might as well cut out the middleman and just plug it into your Switch instead.
What people don’t realize is that they always have their phones with them.
Also the guy in it has crazy long centaur legs.
I agree as well. Despite all the people who called it boring, this is exactly the kind of game my friend and I have been looking for since forever: co-op stealth infiltration that, if you play on the hardest difficulty, requires coordination and communication.
As someone else who is excited for Wildlands, I can see why people think it’s underwhelming if they’re coming into it with certain expectations.
Wasn’t there supposed to be like a phone port of FFXI at some point?
You just described the Wii launch. Perhaps my memory’s bad but I recall that working out pretty darn well for them.
None of the characters have any meat to them
I loved the first game, but I’m having a hard time getting into the second one. I kind of lost interest at the very first side quest, which made me disable radio towers. I guess I just don’t have the patience for that sort of thing anymore...
Who’s to say that Ellie’s “partner” DIDN’T die? Not to get too dark, but the threat of rape was very real in the first game. And, to build on what ZamoZ was saying earlier, the Fireflies would have motivation to steal her baby to try and create a vaccine like in the first game. Ellie is a bad-ass who would’ve killed…
“This person disagrees with my worldview therefore they are a scumbag atheist loser.”
~Jesus of Nazareth
FF 13 “looked great” as well, so I think that’s part of it. Another part of it is people mindlessly trolling.
Am I missing something? That looks very similar in design to the original Super Soaker 50
That makes a heck of a lot of sense.