
Yes but minorities might listen.


Wait, when did this kind of behavior become cute and delightful? Because nah, this shit isn’t cute and delightful. It doesn’t matter who does it - it’s childish.

Funny, how single sex anything turns into a mission, if only the ‘right’ sex is at the center of the mission, otherwise it’s called discrimination.

I remember when this guy was the darling of the left, when he was releasing U.S military information. He was exposing the corrupt U.S. government policies and its spying on U.S. citizens. Giving the people the access and knowledge of what their government was doing and the republicans hated him.

Right, just like “he was reading a book”, “a gun was planted” and the ankle holster wasn’t his!

I have to commend you for trying, but maybe you didn’t get the memo. We’ve moved past facts and into feelings territory. The purpose of this blog post is to make readers feel like their indignation is righteous. Be amazed as Anna Merlan magically transforms the blunt Keith Lamont Scott was smoking in his car into a

I bet the whole “reading a book” with no gun thing will be a lie constantly repeated just like how Mike Brown had his hands up walking away even though it was fully debunked as false. If you need to make up shit to prove a point, you’re just trying to push a false narrative.

It doesn’t matter if it’s open carry or not, you have to drop a gun if a cop says to drop it. Open carry doesn’t mean you can point a gun at anyone or hold it when ordered to put it down.

In this case, they found a gun. The wife said there wasn’t one, but she was wrong. She also had known he had a gun because she had filed a domestic violence report against him before the incident and said he had one. Having TBI doesn’t mean you are excused from obeying a “drop the gun” order.