
In this case, they found a gun. The wife said there wasn’t one, but she was wrong. She also had known he had a gun because she had filed a domestic violence report against him before the incident and said he had one. Having TBI doesn’t mean you are excused from obeying a “drop the gun” order.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

How does that compare to the normal murder rate? I suspect it’s lower, so what’s the issue? Unless these are all confirmed to be hate crimes

Now playing

Here’s something even better: dumbass hick trump supporter getting the shit kicked out of him!

You’re white, they don’t care.

I was a white kid in a majority black/hispanic school and i received racial bullying daily. What should I have done?

Is anyone in favor of letting serious and/or violent criminal, illegal immigrants stay in the country? I think getting that group out is a good starting point. I don’t see how it can’t have bi-partisan support.

I hope you’re correcting their misunderstanding by telling them it’s only illegal aliens that should be worried. Let them know law abiding legal immigrants are fine.

Probably out in the woods burying more bodies!

This is crap, it is very easy to get a state ID from the DMV or SOS (that offer extended hours 2 days a week). If you can’t figure that out, you should not vote anyway.

It’s a big deal because the democratic party likes liberals to vote early and vote often, often times more than once.

Shhh...that’s racist somehow.

Why is it such a big deal that one would need ID to vote? How else would one prove their identity and residency? You mentioned NC, in which you have a ton of options for ID: “These first-time voters may show current and valid photo ID (driver’s license or state ID, US Passport, employee ID, student ID, military ID),

Didnt vote for trump and couldnt because he will be a terrible president, but im blown away by all the slippery slope and poisoning the well, and a myriad of other critical thinking errors going on when trying to make all trump voters white supremacists. Its literally just as bad as anything trump says and has been

I totally agree that we need more diversity in media, and I totally agree that diversity should mean more than race and gender.

But I disagree about the misguidedness of ideological diversity. If you’re a news organization who wants to inform the entire electorate, your newsroom can’t be 100% left of the political

All the scare tactics and shaming couldn’t distract from the importance of economic issues and despair. White women a third of latinos all said no. We care more about what can be done then what is said. By talk alone Hillary would be undefeated but that is not the penultimate issue. We knew what Clinton would do

I learned that you are clearly a misogynistic misogynist if you think anything other than misogyny caused this misogynistic mess. Don’t criticize Hillary’s perfect campaign, misogynist! Misogyny.

I think he did. If anything Johnson most likely helped make this closer for Hillary than it otherwise would’ve been. Trump won whether Gary Johnson existed or not.

Fuck Hillary supporters who said “Nah, they aren’t tilting this thing towards Hillary” even though the DNC head WAS a former Clinton Co-Chair? Fuck them for nominating a Female George Bush that got caught in lie, after lie, after lie and instead of owning up, decided to blame Russia and bemoan that Trump said mean

Keep up with the mocking and snide remarks. You guys will never learn.